Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I will be performing in the February Showcase Ball on Friday, Feb. 19th, at the Glastonbury Community Center.

I am dancing with my teacher to a medley from the musical Chicago.

I can get you more information about time and cost, but I do know that couples pay a cheaper dollar amount than coming alone.

1 comment:

  1. Yo yo T,

    Sorry I didn't get back to you last night. I was in the middle of doing some Math homework with Kristin, which neeedless to say took all of my attention! Then we had to jet quick out to a benefit show and then WHAM!! it was 11:30pm.. so anyway.. I'm almost positive we will be able to come. What time does it start?? And this is just a performance? or are we learning to do some steps too?!
